Friday, September 28, 2007

TFP Student Action protests Ahmadinejad's presence at Columbia.

This past Monday, September 24, TFP Student Action went to New York City in order to protest the presence of Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad. Ahmadinejad came to Columbia despite very tense relations between the US and Iran. He came to Columbia on the eve of his address to the United Nations.
This event drew many students, many of them Pro-Palestinian, to the forum. The talk consisted of the President of the University, Bollinger, asking Ahmadinejad several questions, many of which labeled the President a cruel and ruthless dictator. Despite this act promulgated by Bollinger, many student showed unwavering support for Ahmadinejad and cheered him on.
While this was going on inside, almost ten thousand protesters stood outside with signs and banners condemning Columbia for allowing an open enemy of America to come to one of the most prestigious Universities in the country. Many of the protesters were members of the Jewish community, however, TFP Student Action raised the American Flag and sent a message to Ahmadinejad and to Columbia that we stand in protest of this travesty. Many students as well as passers-by showed their support and agreed that what the University was doing was basically a treason.
If you would like to read an article about this campaign on our website, go to:

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Campus Rosary at Penn State

On Monday, September 10, 2007, volunteers from TFP Student Action did a Campus Rosary Crusade at Penn State University. The intentions of the Rosary were for our country, in light of the latest contaminated food products and children's toys from communist China. The Student Community gazed at the 8 young men praying the Rosary and immediately began to inquire about what was going on. Many students showed their support. “Your organization is just awesome. I’m Catholic, but I am afraid to display my faith in public or tell others about it. Now that I saw you guys pray the Rosary out here, I won’t be afraid to affirm my faith anymore and tell people that I am Catholic.” Students around the country hide there Catholic faith in fear of being ridiculed and mocked. This is all the more reason why we need students around the country standing up and praying the Rosary in public. Do you think you have what it takes? If so, go to to find out more about the Campus Rosary Crusade.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

How many people are doing a Rosary crusade?

College students from all over the country are getting involved in the Rosary crusade. From the University of San Diego to LSU, the CRC is going nationwide. With your help we can get campus Rosaries in all 50 states. Just e-mail for more details.

Friday, August 24, 2007

What is the Campus Rosary Crusade?

College students organize a public square rosary in Mainz, Germany.

Dear Student,

While Saint Dominic was preaching devotion to the Holy Rosary, a possessed man started blaspheming. Knowing the spiritual state of the man, Saint Dominic wrapped a Rosary around his neck and demanded:

“Whom do you fear the most?”

Forced to answer, the demon replied: “Our Lady! Our Lady!” Then, instantly, the poor soul was free. Satan had fled. The Blessed Mother had triumphed over Satan. Such is the power of Rosary.

TFP Student Action is coordinating a challenging new campaign: the Campus Rosary Crusade. Everyone is invited to participate, and I need to know if you are willing to lead a Rosary group on your campus. To sign up now, click here.

Please let me explain why the Campus Rosary Crusade is so important.

Our Lady appeared at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917 with a message for the world. She said that if men did not convert, pray, and do penance, Russia would spread its errors worldwide, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. Many would be martyred, the Holy Father would suffer, and a chastisement would annihilate several nations.

As Our Lady predicted, the errors of Communist Russia spread far and wide, and, even though America did not accept Communism, the Cultural Revolution—a byproduct of Communism—is currently destroying our nation from within. For example:

  • Abortion, pornography, and unnatural vice rip the family to shreds
  • Blasphemy threatens the Faith
Caleb Petrone joins members of Student Action for a public Rosary at Gettysburg College.

So how can you and I fight back? By praying the Rosary, the most powerful spiritual weapon of contemporary history. With the Rosary, Saint Dominic defeated heresy, Catholic forces were victorious against the Ottoman Turks at the battle of Lepanto in 1571, Communists were expelled from Vienna, and many more miracles and victories were won. [More…]

How powerful is the Rosary! Is there any prayerful weapon more powerful, capable of overcoming heresies, defeating armies, and expelling the errors of Communist Russia?

To start a Campus Rosary Crusade chapter, all you need are a few friends, your Rosary, and the Faith of a Crusader. It’s that simple, and I can think of no better way to stop the Cultural Revolution, hasten the triumph of good over evil, and answer the urgent requests of the Queen of Heaven, who foretold the devastation of Communism, which has martyred and persecuted millions…

Do you want to join?

Your immediate response is vital because we are racing against time to set up Campus Rosary Crusade chapters in all 50 states before May 13—the 90th anniversary of Fatima. Of course, if you decide to become a Rosary leader, you will have our support.

Sincerely in Jesus and Mary,

John Ritchie
TFP Student Action Director

To become a Rosary leader now, click here.

What is Our Mission?

The Campus Rosary Crusade is a network of Catholics who pray the Holy Rosary on college campuses as a way to combat sin and the Cultural Revolution. Campus Rosary Crusade members pledge to defend the Holy Catholic Faith—peacefully and legally—especially when the Sacred Persons of Jesus and Mary are attacked.

Are you willing to start a Campus Rosary Crusade?
For details, click here.

The How-to-Manual

How to Get Started

1. Location: Suggested locations for the monthly Rosary are: the campus quad, near the student union, on the public square, or in front of an abortion clinic. Note: Activities must be peaceful and legal.

2. Planning: Meet your friends for refreshments before or after each event to discuss general business.

Sample agenda:

  • Decide where and when the public Rosary will take place. A good date to consider is the first Friday or Saturday of each month;
  • Delegate. Give each person a specific role;
  • Set goals. Keep minutes of your meetings;
  • Study the Fatima message;
  • Reach others. Advertise your events.
Here is a sample invitation

3. Organize: Compile contact information of those in your group and others willing to join. It should include e-mail, phone number, and address.

4. Make signs and flyers: Make a sign to display while you pray the Rosary, for example, one that reads: “Our Rosary marks 90 years since the Mother of God urgently called the world to conversion at Fatima, Portugal. You are invited to pray with us.”

If you would like us to send you a ready-made banner, e-mail us at

Also, print up a simple handout explaining why you are conducting a public Rosary on campus. When curious people ask questions, give them the flyer.


Send a brief monthly email report about your activities to CRC headquarters at This is important because we hope to organize 2,000 Rosary rallies in 2007 to mark the 90th anniversary of the Fatima apparitions. To have an accurate tally, your reports are vital.

Click here to fill out your report.


Take pictures of your public Rosary. Send them to They will be shared with CRC members nationwide and published on the TFP Student Action web site.

Intentions for this Campaign

  • For the conversion of America and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
  • That Our Lady protect America and its Armed Forces against external or internal enemies;
  • For the end of abortion, homosexuality, blasphemy, and indifference;
  • For the restoration of higher education based on the Ten Commandments, and the restoration of true Catholic militancy;
  • For college students to bravely resist the Cultural Revolution, and be pure in thought, word, and deed;
  • Your own special intentions…

Are you willing to start a Campus Rosary Crusade?
For details, click here.

The Power of the Rosary

The Amazing Story of the Hiroshima Eight
Although they were less than one mile from ground zero, all eight members of the small Jesuit community of Hiroshima survived the blast completely unscathed, without burns or radiation.

The Power of the Rosary in History
With the Rosary, Saint Dominic defeated heresy, Catholic forces were victorious against the Ottoman Turks at the battle of Lepanto in 1571, Communists were expelled from Vienna, and many more miracles and victories were won.

Quotes from Our Lady, Popes, and Saints “Never will anyone who says his Rosary every day be led astray. This is a statement that I would gladly sign with my blood.”
- Saint Louis de Montfort

From the Secret of the Rosary by Saint Louis de Montfort
“It is almost impossible to do real credit to the victories that Count Simon de Montfort won against the Albigensians under the patronage of Our Lady of the Rosary. These victories are so famous that the world has never seen anything to match them.”
Rosary Saves Man’s Life on September 11
A man from New York who had fallen away from the Catholic Church and not gone to confession in years was met at a TFP Fatima presentation given by America Needs Fatima Custodian, Jose Ferraz.

Fifteen Promises to Those Who Pray the Rosary
It is said that Our Lady herself gave these promises to Saint Dominic and Blessed Alan de la Roche. Patrick J. Hayes, Archbishop of New York (1919-1938), granted his Imprimatur to the English translation.

Indulgences Associated with the Holy Rosary
Learn how to obtain a partial or plenary indulgence by reciting the Rosary.